When I'm away on vacation, I'm all about doing new things and having new experiences - whether it's trying new food or conquering my fears about parallel parking. Then again, sometimes there are certain experiences that you know you can only do while you're away from home because certain people at "home" would be very unhappy and frown immensely upon hearing about said experiences. There has been something that I've wanted to do for a long time, but I've never been able to because my husband would get very, very upset with me. But, since he's not here, I decided this was the perfect opportunity to have this certain experience and get it out of my system before I go home.
That's right, I slept with... a dog.
Now I'm not talking about having the dog in the same room as you, sleeping on the floor beside the bed. Oh no. I'm talking about having the big, hairy beast in the bed with you, slobbering and shedding hair all over the place and stealing most of the covers.
The last time I was here dog-sitting, Porter was expressly forbidden from climbing up onto the couch and certainly he wasn't allowed on the bed. He spent his slumbering hours in his huge crate in Jason and Sarah's bedroom and seemed none the worse for it. However, as it usually happens, as time passes, rules are relaxed and, in some cases, just downright thrown out the window. Jason told me a while back that Porter was occasionally given the green light to climb onto the bed but it was usually after Jason had been out having a few cocktails and the disciplinarian in him went by the wayside. Sarah echoed those sentiments and now that she's working from home and the bed sometimes functions as her desk, I get the feeling that Porter spends a great deal more time on the bed than anyone will let on.
So, with that in mind (and since no one told me I couldn't) I decided to let Porter share the bed with me a couple of nights ago. Initially, he looked at me like I had lost my mind but then he placed his muzzle on the edge of the bed and looked up at me with those big brown eyes (eyes up, nose down is the quintessential dog-begging posture) just waiting for me to repeat myself. When I patted the covers beside me he took a running jump from the doorway onto the bed and proceeded to climb all over me, bathing me in slobber. He finally settled down and within minutes he was letting out big, doggie snores. In fact, the whole experience reminded me a bit of sleeping with Jack - very similar snoring, strange noises and the occasional strange smell emanating from the other side of the bed. But, all in all, not an unpleasant experience. I felt very safe and secure having my furry bodyguard next to me, although I don't really know how effective Porter would be as an attack dog - probably he'd just lick the person to death.
So there it is out there in the open - I've slept with a dog and I'm not ashamed.