Thursday was my last day with Porter as his dog-sitter and we spent it in our typical fashion - breakfast, dog park, work, lunch, dog park, work, then dinner. Jason and Sarah were due to arrive home that evening and Porter and I had a little clean up to do around the house. After dinner, we settled in for a quiet evening of TV (I finally finished season three of "Dexter") and a lot of ball throwing. Porter finally settled on the floor and I fell asleep on the couch as we waited for "mom and dad" to get home. They arrived close to midnight and Porter was immediately up and around and ready to play the minute they walked in the door. Jason and Sarah looked well rested after their Hawaii adventures and we visited for just a little bit before we all turned in for the night.
Friday morning I was up early as usual but since Porter's kennel resides in Jason and Sarah's room (and they were still sleeping) I didn't feel comfortable with going in to let him out and instead, ate my solitary breakfast and made a pot of coffee while I waited for them to get up. It wasn't long before they were both up and around and Porter bounded over to me and gave me a big lick on the hand. Jason let him out into the backyard and followed him outside to inspect whatever damage Porter might have inflicted on the yard in their absence. I took my coffee outside too and, as Jason walked around his yard, I felt as nervous as a renter trying to get their security deposit back from the landlord after a final inspection of the apartment. Had I swept enough of the excess dirt on the patio from Porter's first digging foray so Jason wouldn't notice? Had I filled in the various small holes in the dirt he had created? Had I policed up all Porter's little "gifts" that I might have missed during the week?
I guess I passed the inspection without too many demerits and we decided to head up to Alston for Porter's morning walk. Porter was overjoyed to have his 'parents' back and ran around in his usual bear-like lumbering way. We did two laps before getting back into the car and heading home. I puttered around with some work while Jason and Sarah took to their laptops.
It looked to be another beautiful Napa day and we decided to head downtown to the Bounty Hunter for a "Pony Express" lunch. We decided to take Porter with us, since the Bounty Hunter has some nice outside cafe tables and it's very dog friendly. I had the pleasure of sitting in the back seat with Porter and I felt a bit like a grandma sitting in the back seat with the baby in the car seat. He would lean over occasionally and give me a big lick on the face, slobbering all over my brand new cardigan I bought in Yountville the day before (and paid way too much for - but hey, it was my reward to myself for making it through the week). We settled at the cafe table at the Bounty Hunter and Porter settled on the ground beside Jason as we ate and behaved himself quite well until a small group of Japanese tourists decided to wake him up by coming over to the table to look at him like he was a tourist attraction. Perhaps they mistook him for a hairy Godzilla.
The View from William Hill Estate |
Porter and Jason |
After leaving William Hill Estate we headed over to another dog-friendly winery, Alpha Omega, in Rutherford on Highway 29. Sarah said they had taken Porter there when he was a puppy for one of his first "socialization" outings. The grounds were nice with a huge covered patio, fountains, and a large grassy area with a picnic table where we parked ourselves for another tasting. The woman who served us was obviously a dog person, as she carried dog treats in her pocket. Porter was immediately in love as she fed him a couple of treats while pouring us our wine. Porter spent a lot of time on the ground near my feet and the woman remarked ' oh look, he loves his grandma.' I was quick to correct her that I was "nana" not "grandma"and she laughed. "I'm a nana too," she said, as she gave Porter another biscuit. The sun was behind the hills as we headed home for a casual dinner of spaghetti and salad. I had my suitcases to pack (I'm not a last minute packer - I like to be ready in advance) and Porter, tired from the days' adventures was in a pretty mellow mood.